Do you know anybody graduating from high school this year? What an accomplishment....for you I mean! You survived 13 years and all that hard work as paid off for that somebody in your life. My lil' one is in Kindergarten, so I still have to wait 12 years. But, he has a Grade 12 buddy that just had his convocation. It's a great program at their school where a Grade 12 individual is matched with a child in Kindergarten as a mentor throughout the year.
Let me begin by saying, my son LOVES his Grade 12 buddies. He was lucky enough to have not just one, but two. Both are exceptional young men. Alas, with the end of the year coming, they are moving on to bigger and brighter things ahead.
With this came an announcement, it's time to get their graduation gifts ready. Some suggestions were given out....a movie night, a dinner gift card, flowers, and the oh-so popular STARBUCKS card! These boys mean a lot to my son....did I want to just give the the usual "boring" gifts?!
I scoured the Internet in the hopes of finding a "survival" kit of some kind. There's not a whole lot out there which was surprising. There was company called Dormco that had some neat things however shipping to Canada was quite steep. I found another one on Amazon called "Kit Happens" but unfortunately did not ship to Canada. I also liked things in one kit but wished I could combine things from another kit.
The end result....I decided to make my own kit combining ideas I found from the above 2 sites and numerous other do-it-yourself ideas on the Internet. I headed over to Staples to find a plain small box and also picked up the mustache duct tape from here. I preferred white but could only find brown. I picked up the stickers at Michael's. The college survival tag was a free printable on the Internet.

Then, the rest I picked up from the Dollar store and picked up items that they may need as they are away at College including...
Laundry (Tide Pen, lint roller)
Hygiene (floss, brush, mouthwash, breath mints, hand sanitizer, wipes)
Emergencies (first aid kit, sewing kit)
Snacks (chocolate bars, gum)
My son was so proud to present the kits to his buddies and they all enjoyed opening them and going through all the items! What a great way to end the year...